Seasoning is the process of imparting flavor to, or improving the flavor of, food.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. 
- Eddie Cantor

Halo! Well, I haven't blogged for a while... But that's because I went to Malaysia for a family vacation! Firstly went to Kuala Lumpur then Kota Kintabalu. It was humid, hot and HUMID. BUT Malaysian food is delicious! Curry Laksa. Roti. Chicken Rice. Nasi Lamak. Mee Goreng. YUM.

Butik Bintang - Kuala Lumpur

Traffic in Malaysia.... is hectic.

The Twin Towers - Kuala Kumpur

The view from my hotel room - KL.

A GOLD man. No jokes.

Then a SHINY GREEN man.

The view from my hotel room in Kota Kintabalu.

Dry Curry Prawns with Rice.

Grilled Tuna with Garlic Aioli and, a side of Potato Puree.

Green Mango. Sour, yet sweet but tangy.

Curry Laksa.

The view of Mt. Kota Kintabalu.

Banana Flower. Beautiful.

Green Mango Salad.

Here you are. A few photos from my trip to Malaysia. Hope y'all have an awesome day! :)

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