Seasoning is the process of imparting flavor to, or improving the flavor of, food.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Music? And Cake? I'm there!

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

I went to my friend's place the other day. It was awesome fun! We were jamming music - me on the piano. And sang to awesome songs: Disney. :D

I tried playing the Ukulele, and I'm a master of FOUR chords. I'm quite proud.

We also made some pinwheel cookies. But this one, on the other hand, looks like a certain animal. Can you see it? Isn't it awesome?

Also, we ate a beautiful Laurent cake. It was divine.

There you have it. Have an awesome day! :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Schoolies in Rye

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
 - What a Wonderful World
Why hello!
So this year, to celebrate the end of Year 12, my friends and I decided to go to Rye to chillax. We went to so many places within four days, and it was "awesome-ly" fun!

Well, because I LOVE cooking, I cooked every night for them. But meh, it's all good! I love it!
We went to Sorrento. Walked around. Took a few pictures. Ate the BEST VANILLA SLICE EVER! (I will attempt making it... soon.)

This is along the beach in Sorrento.

The pier at Sorrento beach.

 Antique store in Sorrento.

(This is what I need for uni) 

The AH-MUH-AZING Vanilla Slice

Oh, and the pasta we made for dinner.

We, then, went to Ashcombe Maze and Lavender Gardens in Mornington Peninsula. Everything was sooo pretty! The maze was pretty awesome - the number of dead-ends that I walked into. Sigh. 

 Lovely Blue Flowers

Oh! The Lavender Garden was soo b-e-a-u-tiful! It smelt fantastic... Except for the bees, that is.

Lavender Ice-Cream. Oh, nomnomnom.

Beach in Frankston - Windy, but sunny :)

Well there you go! A few pictures of my AWESOME trip, with my AWESOME friends.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mildura = HOT

From a distance the world looks blue and green,
and the snow-capped mountains white.
From a distance the ocean meets the stream,
and the eagle takes to flight.
From a distance, there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace,
it's the voice of every man
- from the lyrics for 'From A Distance' (Bette Midler)

Well I went to Mildura a few days ago. And it was HOT. Very HOT. But it's a very lovely place. I loved the fresh produce, the scenery and everything!
We went on a tour around the Botanical Garden. It was cool, because they took us around with a tractor.
 The rose garden was sooo beautiful. They had soo many different colours and kinds of roses.

 Here are some other photos in Mildura:

Lemon Lime Bitters

I LOVE Cupcakes!

The Cupcake Family is my favourite cupcake shop in Melbourne. It's in Melbourne QV. The cupcakes are absolutely too die for.  They're AH-MUH-AZING.

Deluxe Raspberry White Cupcake

Mini Dark Chocolate Cupcake

  Mini Durian Cupcake

Mini Green Tea Cupcake

Where is your favourite cupcake store? Please share ;)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We all like to "nomnomnom"

Why hello!

My name is Emerald. This blog is generally about the food (YUM) and photography. I LOVE baking! I started baking around three years ago, and I love it! Recently, I've been enjoying taking pictures, with my camera (D70S). Basically, the little things that make your frown into a smile :)

Choc Chip Cupcake - Little Cupcakes

One thing that I like to bake is CUPCAKES! This cupcake is from the Little Cupcake shop in 7 Degraves Street, Melbourne. Cupcakes are sooooooooo pretty. I LOVE them!

Goofy - My Dog 

Here is my dog, Goofy. Isn't he cute?! And yes, he is my one model.

In this blog, I'll try to post up pictures of the baked goodies, and other adorable things that appear in our lives. :D

- Em